Monday, July 7, 2008

Another Snake Story

The new house next to us has now sat empty for about four month. Many people have looked at the home, loan applications submitted according to our source in the office, but none yet approved. So the house sits empty with grass which badly needs cutting. It is now over a foot in height. God forbid that management would do any thing to clean up the area.

This morning the wife fried up some hamburger meat to make a batch of chili. After she drained off the fat she had about half a cup full of grease and instead of disposing of it correctly she goes to the brick fence separating our homes and pours in into the adjoining lot right on the back of a large black snake laying in the tall grass. She notices the shake slither away and call me out to have a look.

When I first arrive on the scene I have a difficult time seeing the snake as it is deeply buried in the tall grass so I get a long stick and poke around where the wife said it was in hiding.

Immediately the snake takes off at full speed, maintaining a route parallel to the fence. The snake is close to two meters in length by my estimations. At this point all you can see in the grass parting and parts of the snake showing from time to time as it makes its escape. All of a sudden its head becomes entangled in a derelict blue plastic bag which has blown into the yard. Now all you can see is this blue plastic bag weaving back and forth through the grass at high speed as if magic.

It was actually a pretty funny sight to see, but I guess you really had to be there to see for yourself. That’s about as exciting as it gets around here these days, so though I would share.

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